Strategic Battle of The Immortal Sword

Gundam One and Gundam Two strode first into the Palace of Earth and looked out in front of them cautiously without making any further movements.

A silver-haired middle-aged man with a dragon sat on the main throne in the palace.

He wore a purple robe, and he surveyed the newcomers with a calm yet curious gaze.

"Welcome, friends, to the Palace of Earth," a warm yet masculine voice sounded, giving everyone a soothing sensation.

Although the man looked quite ordinary and had a gentle demeanor, An Lin still did not dare to let down his guard. Who knew if this was all just a facade?

"Greetings, is there any good stuff we can obtain from your palace? Woof!" Da Bai cut straight to the point in a blunt manner that would make An Lin proud.

A surprised laugh escaped from the man's mouth. Who would have thought that even the dog among them would be so interesting…