Late Night Conversation

Just as An Lin was silently suffering by himself, a man in a white robe descended gracefully beside An Lin.

"Classmate An Lin, are you OK?" The man placed his hand on the block of ice while his brows furrowed.

An Lin felt as if a warm stream was flowing through his heart as he looked at the handsome face in front of him and heard his gentle, concerned voice.

The man was none other than their class captain, Xuanyuan Cheng. He was still just as kind as ever.

Xuanyuan Cheng hesitated momentarily before he drew his longsword, and the projection of a yin-yang pattern appeared underfoot.

Clouds and wind suddenly began to surge as he activated his Myriad Spirit Taichi Technique to the extreme.

"Classmate An Lin, I'll cut this block of ice open and save you!" Xuanyuan Cheng wielded his sword and touched the blade to the block of ice which sent a relentless flow of energy flowing into the ice.