Why Are You Chasing Me

Amid a dark and murky sky, a black shadow streaked past at great speed. Occasionally, it would turn around and spit out a column of scorching flames.

A cultivator pursued after it relentlessly. As this cultivator slashed aside its flames, he would also let loose a torrent of abuse.

This black shadow and cultivator were none other than the black dragon of the Dragon Tribe trial and the trial-taker, Tang Ximen.

This cat-and-mouse game had already gone on for a long time. The black dragon couldn't defeat Tang Ximen head-on, yet its speed was surprisingly quick. After fighting for a while, it started employing hit-and-run tactics, resulting in Tang Ximen being on the back foot and being constantly barraged by his flame attacks.

"Stupid c*nt lizard! If you've got balls, then stop running! Fight me like a man!"

Tang Ximen cursed loudly as he pushed his flying sword to its limit.