The Much-Anticipated Tribulation Transcendence

The startling change taking place between heaven and earth instantly alerted everyone in The United University of Cultivation.

A graceful middle-aged man stood on a tree branch, looking at the meditating figure in the distance with a scorching gaze.

"Earth Immortal Ming Yuan, don't you have to teach a class right now?" A tall and slender woman in a yellow coat and a pair of red-rimmed glasses sat beside him on a giant book with a dainty smile on her face.

"I changed it to a self-study session!" Earth Immortal Ming Yuan replied with zero guilt.

He paused before continuing, "The principal did say spectating was prohibited, but I'm just looking from afar, so it shouldn't be distracting to An Lin. This is an opportunity for me to attain enlightenment, so I have to grab it with both hands!"

At this moment, countless students and teachers were staring out the windows of the classrooms.