The Threat of Becoming A Eunuch

The yearly free-for-all battle was finally here, and Yue Tu made a temporary move back to the Moon Palace to show Chang'e her weight loss progress.

Several tens of thousands of students gathered on the White Jade Plaza.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Vice-Principal Yu Hua as usual, with no appearance from the principal.

An Lin felt like he probably would not get to see the principal during his five years here. There was a portrait of the principal hanging within the school's hall of fame. He looked like a refined and elegant man, but An Lin naturally had no idea what the principal was really like.

He became overcome with emotion as he looked at all the young students brimming with vitality gathered on the plaza.

Thinking back to when he was in his first year at the university, just achieving a ranking within the top hundred of the Immortal Rankings Board was next to impossible for him.