Why Am I Always The One Getting Hurt

An Lin looked at up the receding pillar of holy light before slowly getting to his feet and stretching lazily.

All the spectators on the plaza seemed to have completely forgotten how to applaud and cheer as all of them stared blankly at An Lin as if they were expecting him to pull another rabbit out of his hat.

A smile appeared on An Lin's face, and he bowed to all the disciples and elders gathered on the plaza before stepping off the spell altar.

Is it all over?

All the disciples finally came to their senses, and the entire Holy Flame Plaza instantly erupted in raucous cheers and applause, with some of the disciples even cheering An Lin's name at the top of their lungs.

After all, An Lin was a fellow disciple of the Vermilion Bird Sect, so even though they were a little jealous, they all poured forth their applause in a genuine show of joy and admiration.