The Gentle Township

An Lin was completely at a loss for what to do. He had never learned how to break through an illusionary spell technique!

Could he… do so by force?

Could he use his own strength to destroy this illusionary realm?

His storage ring flashed, and the Evil-Slaying Sword appeared in his hand.

Thankfully, his power and cultivation base did not seem to have been affected. This made things a lot more convenient.

He just had to blast a hole in the sky now!

"Dear husband!" A pleasant, yet familiar voice sounded from behind him.

An Lin's body trembled as he turned to look behind him.

A woman in a jade dress was standing nearby with a vibrant smile on her face, and the sun shone down on her beautiful features, making her appear even more radiant and enchanting.

Just by standing there, she became the center of his universe. Everything else paled in insignificance next to her.