The Criminal on the Execution Platform

Being able to transfer living beings from this world to the outside world was a vital prerequisite to this grand plan.

An Lin was starting to get quite excited. "Let's do it! Who are we going to transfer?"

"Hmm… This technique is going to be a little risky, so let me think first…" Tina closed her eyes in deep thought.

"I feel like we should find someone with fanatical beliefs so that they can help us broadcast everything about the outside world to the people of this world. They should have a relatively high social status in this world and be proficient at spreading messages. That way, they would be able to brainwash others effectively.

"Someone like this would be extremely useful to us once they return from our world back to this one," An Lin said slowly.

Tina nodded before suddenly grabbing onto An Lin's hand.

In the next instant, the space around them transformed, and they arrived at a plaza piled up with white jade stones.