
An Lin finally unleashed his killing technique.

Lin Junjun had no response to this sure-kill tactic.

Her shoulders trembled with rage, and she wanted to sweep out the door in fury!

No, she wanted to pummel An Lin first before sweeping out the door!

However… for the sake of that experiment, she couldn't be so willful.

"Alright, An Lin, you win!" Lin Junjun gritted her teeth as she forced the words out of her mouth.

An Lin's eyes lit up, and he nodded with gratitude. "Thank you Celestial Maiden Tian Yu, you're so good to me, I don't even know what words I can use to express my gratitude…"

He was extremely excited, and he looked around the room before suddenly yelling, "Little Tian, come out and help me praise her!"

Xue Zhantian slowly flew out from the bedroom before shooting a glance at the unfamiliar woman. Her figure was not even close to round, how was he supposed to praise her?