Building a Team to Fight the Boss

"Gasp… what spell technique is this?" Any semblance of calmness on Celestial Maiden Fei Ying's face shattered as her eyes opened as wide as they would go.

"That sword strike has already transcended beyond my realm of understanding." Bai Pengzi stared up at the divine sword with shock and admiration etched onto his face.

Duan Hunzi's body was trembling slightly. "What a terrifying sealing power. This… this is the power of God!"

"An Lin really is scary! And to think we were trying to hunt him down! Were we all suicidal?!" Bai Pengzi exclaimed with fear lingering in his heart.

Su Wenjun and Long Kui were shocked speechless.

Especially when An Lin uttered the sentence "I summon the power of the heavens to vanquish all evil!", immediately following which an indescribably powerful sword projection fell from the sky to pin the Holy Trinity Fiendcelestial to the ground. This was something only a god would be capable of!!