Flexing is Extremely Satisfying

An Lin's white robe danced in the wind, and he remained tranquil and calm in the face of the Holy Trinity Fiendcelestial.

He pointed a finger toward the sky, upon which the entire sky was lit up by a golden, divine glow, and everything in this world seemed to slow down and become more sluggish.

This effect also acted on everyone's senses, including those of the Holy Trinity Fiendcelestial. It too felt as if everything within this world had slowed down, and even its own fearsome speed of movement appeared to be as slow as a snail that was crawling uphill.

The dragon head and phoenix head looked up into the sky involuntarily, where the clouds had parted to reveal a divine sword.

The divine sword's radiance lit up the entire world, and countless tiny chains bound themselves over the sword. The chains had the appearance of golden stars, and they obscured the sword so that no one was able to see what the sword truly looked like.
