Four Nine Immortal Sect's Directions of Development

The discussion revolving around sect celebrations eventually came to an end.

An Lin and the others finally started discussing development plans relating to the other areas of the sect.

"There are four key areas that we need to focus on regarding the development of our sect's power—resources, cultivation methods, mystic realms, and talented disciples." An Lin glanced at the people around the table. "Half of us still need to return to the Heavenly Court to study. Are there any thoughts on how our sect should develop in the next two to three years?"

"We don't need to worry about cultivation methods at the moment," Xu Xiaolan said. "The cultivation methods that we possess are wide-ranging in type and are also of the highest purity and deepest profoundness. We're unparalleled in the Kingdom of the Nine States in this regard."

"Bar for the Heavenly Court," Lin Junjun added.

Xu Xiaolan shot a sideways glance at Lin Junjun.