The Peerless Saber Demon

An Lin immediately shook his head.

"No! I refuse to go back! If one doesn't even dare to dream, then how are they different from salted fish? We've obtained so much information and are the closest to the Kirin Blood Jade! How could we give up now?!" he interrogated in a vehement voice.

"But… I'm a cow, not a person, moo!" Ao Niu retorted with a serious expression.

The Divine Poison Frog spoke with an earnest expression, "And I'm just a frog, ribbit!"

"And my only dream is to return home, ribbit!" the Divine Poison Frog added, as if it was afraid An Lin would still be unconvinced.

An Lin stared speechlessly at these two cowardly beasts.

It made sense though. After all, if they weren't cowards, they would have chosen death before surrender.

There were even Spirit Nurturing Stage spirit beasts that could set aside life and death to challenge Soul Formation Stage soul beast.

However… These two were clearly not the same!