Guess How Many Strikes I Have

The humanoid goat had been wounded already, it was impossible for it to evade An Lin's sword strike.

The black sword projection descended with the true intent of Endless Night before slicing the humanoid goat apart.

Xu Xiaolan slew one and injured another while An Lin landed the killing blow. This was flawless teamwork, and it resulted in a crushing victory.

Clap clap clap…

The frog clapped excitedly, "Ribbit! Bad*ss! To think they can even insta-kill such powerful Demonic Blood Beasts! Their power really is astounding!"

"Moo!" Ao Niu nodded with all its might. "As expected of the peerless powerful beings that have the right to ride me!"

Boom boom boom…

In the distance, fearsome explosions of energy rocked heaven and earth again.

An Lin turned toward the source of the commotion.