This Is a Mighty Figure in Disguise Who We Can't Mess With

Everyone turned to Meng Zhi with nervous expressions.

The lives of An Lin and everyone else were pretty much in Meng Zhi's hands. Thank God the Great Empress wasn't the type of person to kill then ask questions, otherwise, An Lin and the others would be well and truly in a dire situation.

From the Great Empress' perspective, An Lin was definitely an enemy to the snow maidens, the kind which she would want to immediately get rid of upon encountering. However, they had appeared before her right now, but Meng Zhi wasn't displaying any animosity toward them. This was quite a confusing scenario for the Great Empress.

It was exactly because of this that the Great Empress calmed herself down to try and figure out what had happened first.

An Lin and the others could only pray that Meng Zhi would tell the truth and nothing but the truth, which was that they had combined their forces to fight against a common enemy. Only then would they have any hope of escaping.