An Lin's Path to Riches

Within Xu Xiaolan's dorm room, the light of a candle flickered gently.

An Lin snuck over… Ptui! He wasn't sneaking over, he was visiting!

Xu Xiaolan wasn't really all that surprised to see An Lin, and she allowed him to come in without any fuss.

"What's wrong? You look like you're a little troubled," Xu Xiaolan asked with a faint smile.

As expected of Xu Xiaolan to be able to read his emotions even before he had said anything!

An Lin nodded upon hearing this. "I have indeed encountered a problem. I'm in need of some spirit stones at the moment, and I need to find a way to earn money quickly."

Xu Xiaolan's brows perked up slightly. "You're in need of spirit stones? How much do you need? I can lend some to you."

An Lin waved his hands. "That's alright. This is quite a large sum of spirit stones, so it's best if I earn it for myself."

"How many spirit stones do you need?" Xu Xiaolan pursed her lips.