Laying Out Some Facts

Since Ao Meng had already conceded, An Lin didn't want to take things too far.

At the very least, he wasn't going to keep stepping on the Dragon King's head.

An Lin leaped down from the Dragon King before flying into the air atop his brick to draw level with the Dragon King's eyes.

He was quite satisfied to see the king of the Dragon Court at his mercy. This was a splendid day!

"Alright, let's take it from the start."

A faint smile appeared on An Lin's face as he looked at Ao Meng. "Let's start with ascertaining who discovered the spirit stone mine first."

Ao Meng's expression shifted minutely as he turned toward the Dragon Tribe mine scouts.

An Lin issued a command, "Scouts of the Four Nine Immortal Sect and the Dragon Tribe, come over here."

The Four Nine Immortal Sect outer-sect disciples immediately heeded An Lin's instructions.