The Ugly Duckling and the White Swan

The white hall attracted everyone's attention.

A red carpet stretched all the way from the white hall into one of the palaces.

There were over a hundred gorgeous female foxes in long blue dresses standing along both sides of the red carpet.

There were five white foxes and four black foxes silently waiting at the center of the hall.

These were the closest relatives of the bride and groom.

The most powerful foxes among the Fox Tribe, the Green Fox Tribe, had sent a handsome Green Fox mighty figure to the wedding to be the marriage officiant of the wedding, and he was standing in the air above the white hall while holding a precious green bead in his hand.

"Welcome, friends and guests, and good morning! My name is Qing Yinghu, and I will be hosting this much-anticipated wedding today!"

Immediately afterward, he began to introduce some of the important characters at the wedding.