Fortune-Telling Results

When the huge turtle opened its cavernous mouth, a terrifying power began to emanate forth.

An Lin, Tina, and the Jade Bone Immortal Bug all prepared for battle!

This was a necessary precaution. The power emanating from the huge turtle's body was simply far too fearsome.


A massive, elongated yawn erupted.

The huge turtle opened its bleary eyes and seemed to be a little confused upon seeing An Lin and his two beast pets, but then it seemed to make some sort of recollection. "Oh! You're…"

The turtle stretched the "you're" into an extremely long word and didn't continue with its sentence. It had clearly failed to remember who they were and was asking for help.

An Lin looked at the turtle expressionlessly. "I came here so that you can tell my fortune. Actually, no, you insisted on telling my fortune. Have you forgotten?"