I've Got Your Back

Lan Xiaoni turned to look at An Lin through the Blood Soul Jade Coffin with a beseeching expression. "Big Boss An Lin, I've just saved your life, so can you return the storage ring to me?"

An Lin chuckled in response. "Underling Lan, isn't it your duty to save your Big Boss?"

Lan Xiaoni's lip twitched, but she seemed to be accustomed to An Lin's shamelessness and did not push the issue. She was only feeling a little sorry for herself.

Even she didn't know why she had made that decision.

She simply didn't want to see An Lin die, so she did what she did without considering any of the consequences, including the very real possibility of death.

As for the conversation they just had, she selectively put it out of her mind.

The two of them fell into silence again as they recovered from their injuries.

After what felt like an eternity.

"Underling Lan," An Lin suddenly spoke.