Battle and Escape

An Lin was a little dumbstruck.

So this turtle statue was capable of movement and speech as well?

He didn't even get a chance to say anything before the huge turtle spoke again, "Welcome, fated ones, to my joint tomb with Xi Haizi!"

An Lin: "???"

"She was looking so angry just then, but now she's welcoming us?" Lan Xiaoni was astonished.

An Lin was also perplexed. Was this a bipolar turtle?

It looked like Tian Chenji was unaware of the fact that they had broken into this place. Could it be that the statue had only awakened after they entered this chamber?

"Don't take it to heart. I was only welcoming you two as a set procedure. I'm actually not happy to see you two at all," the turtle statue said in the same cold voice.

An Lin: "…"

Lan Xiaoni: "…"

Did this statue have to be so f*cking blunt?!