The Earth-Shattering Secrets

Upon High Priest Gu Yu's insistence, Lan Xingyang and Yu Feiyu reluctantly agreed to give the Heavenly Turtle Tribe priority if the secrets involved some sort of treasures or inheritances.

An Lin stood on the beach and became the focus of attention from both tribes.

The secrets that were about to be revealed concerned both of the major tribes of the West Sea, so many mighty figures naturally arrived on the scene.

The two High Priests, Gu Yu and Yu Feiyu, were the most proficient at star divination among everyone here, and both of them stared intently at the photographic crystal in An Lin's hands with nervous expressions.

An Lin did not delay any longer. He tossed the photographic crystal into the sky. The special ancient text on Tian Chenji's turtle shell was revealed for everyone to see on the beach.

In any case, he didn't understand anything. This was just a pile of gibberish to him.