An Lin's Retaliation

An Lin was feeling very panicked.

He was like a little lamb that had been air-dropped right into the middle of a pack of wolves.

How could he get himself out of this bind?

The Jade Bone Immortal Bug and Tina were already prepared for battle.

A faint, refreshing fragrance swept toward him.

A blue figure suddenly appeared and positioned herself in front of An Lin.

"No one touches Big Boss An Lin! Otherwise, you'll have me to answer to!"

Lan Xiaoni summoned her white ball before yelling at all of the mighty figures present with a resolute expression.

A Spirit Fish Clan mighty figure burst into laughter upon seeing this. "Stop fooling around, Princess. What are you going to do? Anyone of us can easily subdue you."

Lan Xiaoni came to the realization then that she was the weakest being among everyone here…