Bai Ling and the Battleship

Within the Phoenix Small World.

An Lin found Bai Ling sitting in a mansion on the summit of a mountain, drinking tea as she made calculations while looking at a series of projected statistics and equations.

"You're sure living the good life here, Pavilion Lord Bai." An Lin arrived on his brick before greeting Bai Ling with a smile.

Bai Ling shot a glance at An Lin and took another sip of tea before speaking in a cold voice that contained a hint of laziness, "I'm working. Do you need anything?"

Only now did An Lin discover that countless minuscule particles of light were flashing through Bai Ling's eyes, each of which contained a vast amount of information and statistics.

Bai Ling was like the most powerful supercomputer in this world, so there was no need for any tools when she made her calculations.