The Inevitability of Destruction

Everyone was about to perish along with this world, but there was a guy prancing around telling everyone that he could resurrect himself!

How infuriating!

But everyone was also extremely envious!

An Lin quickly calmed himself down. "Senior Xiao Tu, didn't you break through a barrier to arrive at this world? Can you retrace your steps to get back?"

Everyone's eyes lit up upon hearing this. If they could travel to where Xiao Tu had been, they would at least be out of this dire situation so that their survival would be ensured! They could think about returning to the Tai Chu Continent after that.

Xiao Tu shook his head with a regretful expression. "If I could get out of this world, why would I still be here talking to you guys? The laws have collapsed around the rift in the sky, and the power of chaos is wreaking havoc. If I get anywhere near there now, I will be destroyed in the blink of an eye."