An Lin's Heaven Mending Sword

"Did I hear that right, Little Xie? You can mend the heavens?!" An Lin's eyes widened. He was skeptical about whether he was having hallucinations from excessive despair.

"Stop talking! Activate your vital energy and stab me in that direction!" the Evil-Slaying Sword urged.

In the direction that the sword was pointing toward, nothingness and chaos surged. The law of chaos unleashed violent energy that was powerful enough to annihilate everything…

That was where the world had first begun to crumble, and the energy there was more fearsome than anywhere else.

"F*ck it! Let's do it!" An Lin made up his mind. They were going to die anywhere, so he might as well heed the Evil-Slaying Sword's advice and give it a try.

"Xiaolan, we'll discuss our next lives another time. Let's try and live more of this life first! Watch me save this world!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I believe in you!"