The Single Royal

Da Bai shuddered upon hearing the words "marry Qing Hua".

He turned to discover a black four-winged bird following him with a smile on its face.

"Phew… Big Sister Mao Chen, you had me scared for a second there! Woof!"

Da Bai heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing this Mao Chen.

An Lin was a little confused. "Why are you not anxious now after seeing Mao Chen?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Da Bai's face. "That's because Big Sister Mao Chen is also a celibatarian! Woof!"

Mao Chen extended her proud neck and raised her four huge wings. "The single life is the life for me! I belong only to the sky and no one else!"

An Lin faltered slightly, having been taken aback by the four-winged bird's vigor and adamancy.

Da Bai turned to An Lin with an elated smile. "Big Sister Mao Chen is my role model. She's free from all inhibitions and living the life I yearn for! She is the most beautiful when she abides by her beliefs! Woof!"