The Wounded Immortal King

An Lin's body transformed into a white shadow as he hurtled through the air.

Before everyone knew it, An Lin's golden fist imbued with the power of the earth had already descended upon him!

Feng Wuya's expression remained unchanged as his arm shot out like lightning toward An Lin's fist.


An Lin felt a vast, boundless power course through his arm and into his entire body.

This was the purest power. It was the Dao Integration Stage power!

His Mountain Quaking Fist was overwhelmed, and he was blasted through the air by the terrifying force.

Feng Wuya tore through space and caught up to him. At the same time, his hand that shot forth like a sword was glowing with an inky-black divine light as he aimed straight for An Lin's heart!

In An Lin's current state, there was no way for him to evade, and he could only block with his hand.