The Might of Yi Xi's Alchemy

Within the Immortal King Palace.

A series of terrifying explosions erupted between heaven and earth.

"Hahaha… Get out of my way!"

An unstoppable fat ball of a man charged ahead, blasting all Immortal King Palace powerful beings in his path into dust.

He was like a bulldozer heading all the way for the meteorite mystic area.

Luo Yan was already riddled with wounds, but he charged toward the fatso again as he let loose a ferocious roar.

"Sky Incinerating Bone Claw!" His hands transformed into claws. These claws were imbued with crimson flames that contained the power of his divine dao, which he then slashed violently toward the fatso.

"Fluffy and Soft Alchemy!" the fatso yelled with no hint of fear on his face as he used his massive, bulging stomach to meet Luo Yan's claw.


The Sky Incinerating Bone Claw slammed into the fatso's stomach, causing it to cave in.