The Divine Mirror World's Massive Upgrade

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth resonated as iridescent light spread through the entire sky.

All of the living beings of the Divine Mirror World bore witness to this extremely marvelous spectacle.

Some of them were gasping in amazement, some were in deep thought, and some were already on their knees, worshipping the higher powers that were clearly in play here.

An Lin and the others waited on the grassland of the holy land when a light suddenly rained down upon them from the sky!

The light was a warm golden color, and it imbued An Lin, Da Bai, Xiao Hong, and Little Gu with a golden sheen. At the same time, an extremely peculiar power began to flow into their bodies.

This was the essential power created by the world following its upgrade.

Peculiar intent realms and true intent began to flow into their minds, making all of them bear witness to different images…

Da Bai saw a boundless wind.

Xiao Hong saw the sunrise and the sunset.