Calamity for the Blood Tribe

The Starfire Battleship's energy barrier enshrouded everyone, and the inky-black battleship studded with specks of starlight raced through the air. From afar, it looked exactly like a starry night sky.

"Starfire, accelerate!"

Liu Qianhuan yelled as starlight erupted from the battleship.

The vast power of stars began to push the massive battleship to speeds of one kilometer per second, ten kilometers per second…

In the end, the massive battleship over fifty kilometers in length disappeared into the distance.

After that epic battle, the Immortal Spirit Paradise had been completely ruined. The remaining Blood Tribe survivors looked up in the direction the battleship had flown in, and all of them heaved heavy sighs of relief.

"Phew… Thank God we managed to survive that."

"We didn't survive that. It was all because An Lin decided to let us go. He could've easily killed us if he wanted to."