Cooperating With the Heaven Crushing Sect

"Chen Chen? That's the second heavenly disciple of the Heaven Crushing Sect, Chen Chen?!"

"My God! Didn't he die during that battle against the Heavenly Time God?"

"Who would have thought that he would still be alive!"

Several dozen mighty figures in the Land of Eternal Light began to yell with excitement.

"Chen Chen's not dead? Then doesn't that mean our father…"

"And An Lin…"

The seven Celestial Maiden's eyes lit up with reignited hope.

However, before they could inquire Chen Chen about the situation, he had already made his way into the palace, and the gate fell shut.

"The gate closed. We won't be able to enter without permission." Celestial Maiden Tian Xian was kicking herself for not immediately standing in Chen Chen's way.