An Lin Was Alive Again

A man in a graceful white robe stood beside the sect leader statue.

His smile was as pleasant as a spring breeze, giving everyone a sense of warmth.

However… that wasn't the point. The important thing was that he looked identical to the sect leader statue!

"Se… Sect Leader An Lin?!" Meng Wei's legs almost gave out from under him!

All of the other disciples were also in shock and disbelief. The drill grounds instantly exploded.

"Oh my God, are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

"Sect Leader An Lin is alive again?"

"It's a dream! This must be a dream!"

A disciple cut himself with his sword in order to verify whether this was reality or not.

Blood splattered all over his face, and he howled in pain. "No! It's not a dream! That really hurt!"

All of the sect disciples who were just paying their respects to An Lin's statue were the most stupefied.

Their sect leader was alive again?!