Where Did These Immortals Come From

Chen Feibai rushed over to them while smoothing down his hair and clearing his throat as he thought about what he was going to say next.

However, what was surprising to him was that even though the two of them really did stop upon hearing his call, they did not turn around to look at him. Instead, they turned their attention toward the summit of the Corkscrew Heavenly Street.

Chen Feibai was quite confused and was just about to say something.


A deafening explosion suddenly erupted up above.

All of the people on the streets were given a massive fright.

Immediately afterward, flames began to burn overhead.

Everyone finally came to their senses and screamed as they fled the scene.


"There was an explosion! We have to hide!"

"Don't hide! Get down! This is a terrorist attack, and the Corkscrew Heavenly Street is going to collapse!"