Becoming a Father Again

An Lin turned toward the golden liquid in the distance, and from it, he detected a boundless dao realm that was unfathomable even to him.

He instinctively tried to approach it, only to be forced to come to a halt by a burst of powerful dragon might.

"Beings without Dragon Tribe bloodlines will be kept out by the Dragon Dao Pond. Please stop here, Mr. An Lin," Sheng Jin explained.

He knew that Xu Xiaolan was a half-dragon, but An Lin was a human.

An Lin hesitated momentarily before nodding and was just about to take a couple of steps back when a burst of power suddenly surged forth from his body.

The dragon might from the Dragon Dao Pond immediately disappeared after coming into contact with that burst of power.

The pressure on An Lin suddenly disappeared, and he made his way forward without any obstruction.