The Outbreaks of Battle

At the Eastern Heavenly Gate, five Heavenly Gods looked on at the boundless light before them with excitement shimmering in their eyes.

"Is it finally time to instigate the final battle?"

"Master Light, when do we attack?"

"Crush them! Crush those ignorant humans! Slaughter them like ants!"

The Heavenly Gods were filled with fighting spirit.

At this moment, a holy and ethereal voice spread through the entire Eastern Heavenly Gate.

"It's time to cleanse the Tai Chu Continent. The human race is going to face its final judgment, and all those who stand in my way must die. I hereby announce the commencement of the final battle!"

The Heavenly Gods roared in unison, and extremely terrifying auras erupted from their bodies as they charged toward the eastern front.

On the eastern front battlefield.

At Chen Xi City, the most powerful fortress of the Kingdom of the Nine States Army.