The Feeling of Infatuation

On the central front of the Tai Chu Continent.

Within the main city of the Kingdom of the Nine States United Army, Yue Tong City.

The bright moon rippled like water within a sea of stars.

Under the beautiful night sky, within an intricate courtyard.

An Lin looked at the newspaper headlines that he was dominating and was intoxicated by the portraits of himself accompanying the articles.

"So handsome…"

He sighed with emotion.

Little Xiaolan sipped on some hot tea beside him.

"Alright, you've said that almost twenty times already! I know you're handsome, ok?" Little Xiaolan was rolling her eyes so hard that she could almost see her brain.

"Little Xiaolan, do you like me?" An Lin suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Little Xiaolan's hand trembled slightly, and ripples ran across the surface of her tea as a faint blush appeared on her face. "I do… you know that already!"

"Me too." An Lin smiled.