Don't Get Cocky

Tens of millions of West Sea Alliance members burst into elated cheers.

They were genuinely happy.

Demon Lord Ling Gu's breakthrough from the Dao Integration Intermediate Stage to the Dao Integration Final Stage further bolstered the power of the West Sea Alliance. With this increase in power, he could potentially become a heavenly disciple candidate as well. In that case, he would become quite the force to be reckoned with.

An Lin was completely unsurprised by this turn of events.

Demon Lord Ling Gu had swallowed one billion Heavenly Human eggs! The energy contained within those eggs rivaled the energy within the bodies of several dozen Dao Integration Stage super mighty figures. With such a vast intake of energy, Demon Lord Ling Gu would even be able to progress straight to the God of Creation Stage if he had sufficient aptitude.

Of course, the vast majority of super mighty figures did not have sufficient aptitude.