Xiaolan Is Back

"Chirp chirp chirp!"

Vermilion Bird Bing Xin's cries rang out across Yue Tong City.

One of the six high and mighty Vermilion Bird Sages was now being used like a rooster to announce the arrival of a new day.

The light of the morning sun spilled over the windowsill and shone down upon the meditating An Lin.

The door to his room was gently opened.

Before he had even opened his eyes, a pair of soft lips pressed against his forehead, bringing with them a sense of moist warmth.

An Lin inhaled that familiar, fragrant scent and opened his eyes.

He was greeted by the sight of a woman in a jade dress with her hands folded behind her back. She wore a faint smile on her face, and her hair spilled down to her waist like a black waterfall. She had an ethereal air about her, and her voice was delightful.

"It's twenty-year-old Xiaolan bidding you good morning today."