Let Me Add Something For You

"Roar!" A dragon's roar reverberated throughout heaven and earth.

"Hahaha… Don't you feel ashamed running away like this after we've killed all of your ants?" Xiao Tu's taunting voice erupted.

Xiao Ze wore a cold sneer and ridiculed, "Heavenly Ant God is a name that really suits you. You're an ant-like Heavenly God, the lowliest scum among all Heavenly Gods! You don't even dare to fight, all you can do is run for your life."

The two fearless True Dragons were hurling abuse at the Heavenly Ant God even before they had arrived on the scene.

The Heavenly Ant God was extremely proud and was a Heavenly God with an important mission on his shoulders. As such, he was an extremely important being among Heavenly Gods, and he had never been humiliated like this! He immediately began to tremble with rage.