A Glass of Wine for an Old Friend

Michael felt extremely aggrieved.

Why had the topic of their conversation suddenly turned to him?

Why don't you two converse about yourselves? Why drag me into your conversation?

Although I sought out the severely wounded Heavenly Temperature God and tried to beat him up, yet ended up being pummeled myself, at least I still managed to occupy a formidable Heavenly God!

Michael felt very vexed. Countless media outlets of the continent were already singing praises of the battle. However, compared to the number of articles focusing on the Battling Buddha's incredible victory over the Heavenly Wood God, there were only a pitiful number of articles mentioning his achievements.

In any case, he was one of the most handsome cultivators! How had he failed to make any headlines?

He wouldn't mind even if he made headlines in the Western Paradise or Garden of Eden!