The Strange Tina

The Furious Sand Marmots clearly looked fat and supple, yet upon taking a bite, An Lin discovered that they tasted sour and bitter. In what way were they delicious? They tasted even worse than the roasted marmots that he had eaten in the United University of Cultivation!

Tina wore a pained expression as she looked at the meat that An Lin has spit onto the ground. "What a waste to spit it out. How can you waste it like that…?" she muttered quietly.

To An Lin's shock, she snatched the roasted Furious Sand Marmot from his hand before saying in an upset voice, "If you don't like eating it, then I'll eat it."

An Lin was instantly stunned upon seeing Tina open her dainty mouth to bite down on the roasted Furious Sand Marmot. He hurriedly reached over to stop Tina's strange and foolish action.

"Stop! Little Na, what on earth has happened to you?!

"Tell me, what happened?!"

An Lin wore a pained expression as he gazed at the fairy before him.