Bigger Mystery Within the Mystery

Tina very naturally accepted An Lin's embrace.

More precisely, she wished that An Lin could embrace her for a while longer.

This warmth, this familiar feeling… She felt like she had experienced this sensation a long, long time ago. This was a sensation that she dearly missed and yearned for.

"Giant An Lin, thank you.

"Little Na is very happy to have a real friend in the future."

A smile finally returned to Tina's face as she rested her head on An Lin's shoulder.

An Lin tousled her smooth golden hair and said, "I've always been a very, very good friend of yours. Sorry for making you suffer through so much. I'll definitely find a way to help you recover."

However, the fairy surprisingly shook her head upon hearing this. She smiled sweetly and said, "It's okay, that's all in the past now. Everything will be fine as long as you treat me well and don't leave me anymore."