Stunning the Entire Audience

"In sixth place is the main drawcard musician, Jin Ling'er! She received a total of 3,698 votes. Congratulations…" Sister Hong felt as awkward as could be as she said this congratulation.

However, Jin Ling'er still appeared full of energy and vigor as she jogged onto the stage. In fact, she even wore a pure and adorable smile as she thanked the spectators for their support.

She could swear that this was the most difficult performance in her entire life.

She was experiencing a mental breakdown, and she truly wanted to cry. However, she still had to force a smile onto her face, so what could she do?

The most astonished person was Jin Feihong.

Jin Feihong had only just started to feel more at ease, yet this sight was like a saber that pierced through his heart.

How is this possible? How could Liu Dabao have received more votes than a main drawcard? How is this possible?!

Meanwhile, the spectators were all sighing with emotion.