Full Power of the Heavenly Light Goddess

The Heavenly Light Goddess had absorbed the Heavenly Book!

Tina and An Lin stared at the woman before them in shock and disbelief.

They had failed…

They had teamed up against the Heavenly Light Goddess, yet they had still failed!

Tina descended into deep remorse and self-blame.

Meanwhile, An Lin's mind whirred as he tried to come up with a way to mitigate this situation.

Both of them charged toward the Heavenly Light Goddess in unison.

At this moment, the Heavenly Light Goddess' body transformed into a ray of light that shot out of the Library of Heavenly Books at an unimaginable speed. This ray of light then soared into the sky and pierced through the light barrier that protected the Tai Chu Holy Land. Only then did the ray of light transform back into the Heavenly Light Goddess.