Sea of Hell

The Divine Flower Maiden's mind became blank for a split second.

However, the smiling boy had already seized this opportunity to dash out from the Hellhound's mouth. Like a flash of lightning, the boy instantly charged over and obliterated the Divine Flower Maiden's head!


The Hellhound's eyes were wide with shock and disbelief as it stared at the headless young woman. It was completely stupefied.

What's going on? What in the world happened?

How has the Three-headed Spirit come back to life?

"Teehee…" The eerie green boy cracked a grin and asked, "Surprised?"

The boy made a slashing motion with his finger, and the headless body of the young woman was instantly sliced into tens of thousands of pieces. With a breath of essential power, the boy then instantly dissolved the young woman's body.

The Hellhound was enraged, and it furiously lunged at the boy.