"P-Professor, she was creating a mess in the ER, none of the nurses or doctors could work because she was shouting like a crazy woman. We had no other choice than administering painkillers and putting her to sleep." Mark quickly explained the situation he was pushed into.

De Xi calmly walked forward and reached the patient, who was still mumbling about something. De Xi frowned and looked at the patient. She looked at her Chief Resident surgeon coldly.

"Did you ask her the frequency of the headaches?" De Xi asked coldly. She looked at Mark icily, making him go stiff with fear.

She then looked at the nurse who was beside her after toning down her coldness by leaps, as she did not want to scare the nurse who was not at fault.

"Administer her with a galcanezumab-gnlm injection and observe for next three hours. Inform me as soon as she wakes up. Move her to the VIP ward." De Xi said calmly and walked away from the patient.

The Chief Resident almost cursed himself when he heard the name of the medicine which was asked to be administered.

He gulped nervously and followed his Professor reluctantly and unwillingly. This was not the first time he regretted topping his exams in the med school, but he cannot change the fact now as it was already too late.

"P-Professor, I can explain." Mark stuttered slightly. He felt the drop in temperature as soon as they entered the elevator.

He almost ran out again but braced himself and stood in one spot, without shivering in fear. Cold sweat formed on his forehead and the back of his scrubs were wet from sweating profusely.

De Xi exited the elevator and swiftly walked inside her cabin, followed by Mark who was trembling profusely.

She entered her cabin and sat down on her seat. She then folded her hand on the table and coldly looked at her Chief Resident, who was by now trembling very badly.

"Explain." De Xi said in a cold bone-chilling tone. Her eerily calm exterior seemed like a calm before the storm.

It was never easy to become a resident under the prodigy neurosurgeon, only the best of best could even dream of applying to become a resident under her.

Her standards were extremely high, she was a very good Professor to train under because every resident under her is a future highly sought-after surgeon in the field.

Being a resident under her had its own pros and cons, both of them equally balanced.

The resources they were provided with are the top ones among all the other residents, but every mistake will be punished double the punishment others would receive.

De Xi was ruthless to her residents.

She won't mind punishing them mentally and making them tired physically, but she would also make sure that they understand every diagnosis she makes and how she made it.

Mark breathed in and out to calm himself down and clear his mind, he could barely breathe properly.

"Here" De Xi handed him a freshly opened water bottle.

Mark took it gratefully and gulped it down, he felt better as he realized that De Xi was calm, her previous chilly aura was replaced with a calm yet authoritative one.

"Professor, at first she was only complaining about severe headache so I deduced it as a migraine and administered painkiller thinking that after a short sleep she would be fine but I did not think the possibility of it being Cluster Headache." Mark started his explanation.

De Xi nodded for him to proceed further.

Though she was disappointed that he failed to consider the possibility, she still could not blame him, as even experienced doctors often overlooked it because of the chances of women getting this disorder were low.

"Before I could even question her, she was throwing a tantrum for a doctor but the doctor on call entered surgery of a TA, so I had no other option but to increase the dose and make her fall asleep quickly to restore order in the ER." Mark completed his explanation.

"You could've also isolated her, giving her a high dosage of painkiller was not the only option." De Xi said and calmly looked at Mark.

She sighed and stood up from the seat. She walked towards Mark and lifted her hand to straighten out his coat's collar but he flinched thinking that she was going to hit him.

"By now you should know it, I never hit my residents no matter how grave mistake they make, why are you flinching?" De Xi asked coldly she was slightly amused at how scared he was of her.

She stepped back and leaned on her table lightly and looked at Mark calmly. She then took out a file from her desk and handed it to him.

"Write a thesis based on this case study, also take three case studies related to cluster headache and write your thoughts, solution, treatment plan." De Xi said calmly.

Mark let out a soft inaudible sigh of relief but stiffened the very next moment when he heard what followed next.

"Submit it in four days, if not good enough, then you will have to redo it and I will halve the time." De Xi said coldly and went back to her seat.

Mark was rooted in his place, he already had a lot on his plate and to add this he was afraid he will have to live with power naps of few minutes here and there for the next four days.

"Why are you still standing over there, is it not enough?" De Xi asked coldly as she went back to her seat behind the table.

"N-No, I'll get going, Professor." Mark stuttered lightly and scrambled out of the cabin as fast as his feet could carry him out.

After he left the cabin, De Xi chuckled softly.

Her residents' antics utterly amused her, all of them looked like small kids afraid of a big bad wolf in front of her, which amused her a lot.