I'M GOOD....

"Can I not want to change my habits?" Natalia asked in an equally furious tone.

"Okay, okay. Brother, Little Princess is trying to correct her shortcomings, you should support her instead of cross-questioning her." Mu Chang immediately took Natalia's side as he scolded Mu Cong.

"You never miss a bootlicking opportunity do you?" Mu Cong asked as he scoffed in annoyance.

"Brother, how could you say that? Leave me some dignity will you?" Mu Chang complained in disbelief and exasperation.

"If dignity was money, you could maybe buy a soda." Mu Cong said as he scoffed in displeasure.

"Why don't you two sign up for catfight? I'm sure you will at least bag a participatory prize." De Xi said as she looked at the siblings coldly.

Mu Cong and Mu Chang immediately zipped their mouths and did not speak any further, after all, who had the guts to anger the demoness herself.

"Then I'll get going. All of you rest early as well." Natalia waved quickly as she ran upstairs afraid Mu Cong would turn upon her once again.

James looked at the three men and then towards De Xi, who looked at him with a helpless look.

"I guess... I'll go upstairs to my room and practice the piece," James said as he awkwardly picked up his score sheet and ran upstairs as well.

"I can't run away right, can I?" George asked with a slightly pleading look.

"When are you two leaving for the airport?" De Xi calmed herself down with a deep breath and asked in a serene, expressionless tone.

"Airport?" Mu Chang asked in confusion.

"Only Mother and Father are going to receive the guests. Sending the cars to the airport should be enough." Mu Cong said in a slightly annoyed tone.

De Xi gave them a disapproving look, before closing her eyes and resting her head on the headrest of the sofa.

"Chang, it is your future in-laws who are coming and Cong your wife's aunt is also coming, not going to greet them personally will be disrespectful." De Xi said patiently as she opened her eyes after a moment and looked at the duo in question with a helpless look in her eyes.

"You are putting her in a tough spot." George kindly reminded Mu Cong and Mu Chang.

The Mu brothers looked at each other as realization dawned upon them. The way they were estranged and annoyed with people coming tonight would make De Xi even more guilty and hurt than she already is.

"We'll set off in fifteen minutes." Mu Cong said with a defeated sigh.

De Xi nodded her head as she looked towards George.

"I heard you are looking for a place near the hospital." De Xi asked with a small frown.

"Yes... The travel is taking a toll on my body. So I thought reducing the travel time would do me some good." George said as he frowned and nodded his head seriously.

"Why are you looking for one? Lina's condo is right beside the hospital building, move in there." Mu Chang said as he suggested in a carefree tone.

"That would be too big for just me. I'm looking for something like a studio, enough space for me to sleep, store my books and clothes, with some amenities to heat food or water is all I'm looking for." George said as he dismissed Mu Chang's suggestion.

"I'll give you the keys tomorrow, it is in my cabin in the hospital. Move in for now till you find a suitable place." De Xi said curtly not giving George any option to deny.

"Just focus on mooching off Lina, she is loaded." Mu Chang said as he winked towards George and beamed De Xi a cheeky smile.

George and Mu Cong laughed in helplessness and De Xi smiled lightly, her eyes warm.

"Oh, right. James's competition is in two weeks, right? Who is going with him?" Mu Cong asked as he remembered something he was supposed to ask George when they met again.

"I don't know, he has a plan of his own. He is the one to decide his company." George said as he shrugged.

"Transfer your surgeries that week to me. Go with James, I know he wants you there." De Xi said calmly, without much change in her tone.

"He might want you to be with him more than me," George said in a matter-of-fact tone.

De Xi looked at him with an I-am-serious look, making him shut up immediately.

"There aren't many surgeries in that week, I'll see if they can be rescheduled, if not I'll pass them on to you," George said as he contemplated for a moment.

De Xi nodded her head in agreement, before closing her eyes and leaning back on the sofa.

"Eva, you seem worn out, go to your room and sleep, I'll wake you up once we are back." Mu Cong said as he looked at De Xi worriedly.

"Or Lina can directly meet them tomorrow morning." Mu Chang said with a small pout.

"I am good here, no need to worry about me." De Xi said monotonously without opening her eyes.

"If you say so." Mu Chang mumbled as he bit his tongue nervously, as George and Mu Cong glared at him.

"We should set out now." Mu Cong said after what felt like few moments of peace, making De Xi open her eyes and look at them.

"Shall I also tag along? Chuan messaged me." George asked as he lightly waved his mobile with a brightly lit screen.

"Then we'll just take the chauffeur for the limousine." Mu Cong said as he stood up.

"Eva, we'll get going, if you are really tired go back and rest up, I'll tell them." Mu Cong said in a worried and assuring tone.

De Xi wordlessly nodded her head, as she waved her hand indicating them to get going, as she closed her eyes once again.

George, Mu Cong, and Mu Chang shared a knowing look before, Mu Chang went towards the kitchen and the other two went outside, with a tacit understanding of their own.