*In German*

"Such an irritating group of young people bind their mouths with tape..." a tall, lean man in his late thirties, who was probably the boss of the group said with disinterest and annoyance.

"Yes, Boss." one of his subordinates immediately obeyed the order taped the mouths of the hostages.

"Can we negotiate, Mr. Stanley?" a cold but graceful voice came from the group of hostages.

Though his face was bruised and bloodied, it did not diminish his sharp features and noble presence.

"Finally Mr. Lu is ready to negotiate, looks like your backup won't be here anytime soon." the Boss, who was addressed as Mr. Stanley said arrogantly.

Lu Bai calmly looked towards Stanley, there was neither any anger nor any fear, his face was the epitome of calmness and indifference.

"B-Boss..." suddenly one of Stanley's subordinates came rushing in from outside, trembling in fear with a face full of anxiousness and emergency alarm.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm talking with someone important?" Stanley scoffed as he angrily glared towards his subordinate.

"Boss, it is Kleine [1]." the subordinate trembled in fear as soon as he said the name.

"What?" a chill ran down Stanley's spine, as his eyes went wide in disbelief.

"Idiot, why are you telling me that? Quickly invite her in." Stanley anxiously yelled at his subordinate and looked towards his other subordinates.

"Did any of you find any trouble with Dämonin's clan?" Stanley asked in anger, fear evident in his eyes.

*In Chinese*

"Who is this Kleine and Dämonin [2]?" Li Chen, who was tied beside Lu Bai, with equally bloodied face asked with a slight frown.

"Must be someone, above him, look at him trembling in fear and anxiety. He deserves it, how dare he drug us..." Mu Cong spat out some blood with formed in his mouth as he gloated in delight at Stanley's misfortune.

"It can be dangerous to us as well if this person knew our identity." Lu Bai said calmly.

He could clearly sense that the person who was coming in would be definitely tenfold dangerous than the one they were currently facing.

"Dämonin is my Boss." a man who was tied up with the trio spoke in fluent Chinese, though his accent sounded a bit off.

"W-What!" Mu Cong exclaimed in horror and shock, but he was mindful enough to train down his volume so as to not attract everyone's attention.

"You are a Chinese?" Li Chen asked in surprise, as he did not expect to meet another Chinese in the middle of Europe in such a setting.

"No, but I know Chinese because my Boss is Chinese." the man answered calmly. There was a hint of pride when he mentioned his Boss.

"Why is he so afraid of your Boss?" Lu Bai asked in a calm and indifferent tone.

"Of course he would be, he is just some mere local Boss, but my Boss is from the Underworld," the man said with pride as he smirked lightly.

"Underworld?" Mu Cong was stunned by this piece of information.

"Yes," the man once again confirmed.

"Why would people from the underworld come to such a place?" Lu Bai asked with a frown, his eyes flashing with slight hesitation, but before the man could answer him, a series of footsteps was heard.

A group of people clad in black walked in with proper order. All of them were standing vigilant, their eyes quickly scanning the surroundings.

*In German*

"Tsk... Stanley what is with you and this dimply lit room...hmm..." a lady clad in a black bodysuit, with bright red hair asked playfully.

She walked from in between the rows of men, straightening themselves with the sound of slow footsteps.

"What are you doing? Quickly turn on all the lights, Kleine dislikes dark places." Stanley hurriedly instructed his subordinates, as he slightly trembled under the red-haired lady's cold yet playful gaze.

"Stanley, are you so bored that now you are even kidnapping Dämonin's men?" Kleine asked in amusement, but her tone was eerily cold, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"I-I don't dare Kleine, I'm nothing but just a small local Boss, I don't dare mess with Dämonin," Stanley said as he dropped to his knees, his legs gave away as he pleaded to her.

At the very moment, all the lights inside the room turned on, illuminating the face of the lady who was at the very front.

Kleine, with her sunkissed skin and sea blue eyes, coupled with her bright red hair gave off a wild aura and her playful smirk added to her unique charm, which would attract everyone but the coldness in her eyes made everyone run for their dear lives.

She looked at Stanley who was on the ground, her eyes cold and indifferent, with a carefree smirk as she was checking out her bright red nails.

"Stanley, do you take me for a fool?" Kleine asked calmly, her tone was, even more, colder than before clearly stating her displeasure.

Stanley who was kneeling on the cold, damp floor was shivering like a little chick soaked in cold water.

"K-Kleine, there is some m-mis-u-understanding. I just trouble the foreigners, I d-dare not meddle in your business." Stanley barely spouted these words, when Kleine flicked her hand casually.

One of the men behind her walked towards the group of people tied together.

He straightaway walked to the man who was speaking with Lu Bai, Li Chen, and Mu Cong, a while ago and cut open the rope with a single slash.

"All you know is to create trouble." the man who freed the group of people chided the man who was tied, in fluent Chinese.

"I was just fooling around in the bar who expected these good-for-nothings to appear there." the man who was recently freed spoke begrudgingly.

Kleine calmly looked towards the two men whispering amongst themselves with slight amusement and interest.

"Get back here, you two," Kleine spoke in a warning tone, with a small amused smile.