"May God have, mercy on my enemies, because I won't." Dämonin a.k.a De Xi's smooth, cold voice echoed slightly through the empty cathedral as soon as Lu Bai and Li Chen entered along with Doctor Steve.

A young De Xi dressed in an off-white jumpsuit, with her jet black hair tied up in a high-ponytail, she looked youthful and wild with a playful smirk and cold look in her eyes.

"Dämonin those Chinese men whom Kleine brought back have come with Steve," Gewehr said calmly in an indifferent tone.

"Who all are here?" Kleine asked with slight interest.

"Are you expecting Mu Cong? Shall I set you up with that guy?" Gewehr asked in a teasing tone, with a playful smirk, making De Xi look at the duo in interest and amusement.

"Love stories are not my cup of tea, I am born to make history. You better drop such wild ideas." Kleine said in annoyance, as she glared at Gewehr lightly.

"But a little birdie said otherwise," Gewehr said with a smirk.

"I was asking about him because I felt he was naive looking and hot-headed, I just wanted to tame him under me," Kleine said with an excited glint in her eyes.

De Xi ignored the two and continued with her remaining prayers.

Whereas Kleine was annoyed with Gewehr's teasing and left the cathedral in a huff, through the right exit, not sparing the three men at the main entrance even a glance.

"When are you going to confess?" De Xi who was just done with her prayer asked with a small smile, with her hazel eyes full of amusement.

"I'll confess when she needs a king to dote on her," Gewehr said with a playful shrug and a grinned towards De Xi who scoffed.

"A queen is always a queen, with or without a king. And the lady you have fallen for is a queen." De Xi said lightly with a faint smile.

Before he could say something in protest De Xi looked behind where Doctor Steve, Lu Bai, and Li Chen were standing, the latter two waiting there hesitantly unsure if they should be listening to all of this.

"When I catch people staring at me I assume they're taking notes on how to be awesome. So if you are done taking notes, come over." De Xi said with a playful smirk, teasing them.

Doctor Steve chuckled softly as he walked over and the other two were simply baffled and weirded out.

"Say why you wanted to see me?" De Xi asked calmly with a smile but the nonchalance in her eyes slightly infuriated Lu Bai and Li Chen as no one regarded them like this in twenty-two years of their life.

"Thank you for taking us in for these past two days, but we don't want to trouble you anymore so we would like to take our leave now." Lu Bai controlled his frustration and annoyance as he spoke calmly in a professional tone.

"What's the catch?" De Xi asked calmly with the same nonchalance.

"Pardon?" Li Chen asked with slight anger in his voice.

"Don't take me for a saint just because I am praying in a cathedral. So let me ask again, what do I get for letting you and your group stay here?" De Xi asked coldly, her eyes expressionless and cold.

"What will you get by keeping us here?" Lu Bai asked calmly, still keeping his cool.

"Just the heir of Lu Corporation and Li Empire can get me a few hundred billion dollars, do you want me to calculate further?" De Xi asked with a cold smile, making the two men feel a chill down their spine.

"What do you want?" Li Chen asked warily, clearly understanding why everyone was afraid of this young woman.

Just her look and smile alone was enough to make them scared out of their wits, he did not want to imagine what will happen if she takes action.

"What can you give? Let me be clear, we don't accept women and drugs, other than that anything is fine, even men." De Xi said the last part with a playful smirk as she looked at Lu Bai and Li Chen in a provocative manner.

Disgust and anger were evident in Lu Bai and Li Chen's eyes, making De Xi's faint smile go even wider.

"You secretly don't like me, and I openly don't give a damn. So keep all those useless talks to yourself. Tell me what you can give?" De Xi said in a laidback manner as she leaned on the church bench and crossed her right leg over her left leg.

"You clearly know our identity but still have the guts to threaten us? You want to extort money using us? Don't you know the minute our family knows our situation your entire clan will be wiped out within hours?" Li Chen said haughtily in a confident manner.

"Just a caution, if your ego speaks with me, then my attitude replies to you." De Xi said as she stood up and walked out, without sparing them a second glance.

////////// PRESENT //////////

De Xi Mu Cong, Li Chen, and Lu Bai burst out into fits of laughter as they fondly recollected their first encounter as strangers.

"You all were so dumb then to simply follow a group of dangerous people back." De Xi said while chuckling still amused at their ignorance back then.

"Xixi, stop making fun of us. Others were drugged and unconscious, we were hurt as well, at that protesting against your men was out of question." Li Chen said grimly.

"Also we had to get out of that place and your men were the best option for good or worse." Mu Cong said with a defeated sigh, clearly reluctant to relive those memories.

"But later on we got to know that you not only took care of our business but also were protecting us from our business rivals, which was why you held us captive for a week till we were out of danger." Lu Bai said with a slight smile, helplessness and regret clear in his black orbs.